Friday, November 16, 2012

Would I like to turn 16 again? NOPE

Seriously, no. I liked/hated high school. But I didn't like it that much! Blah. Teens are weird. Now- are you asking me if I would like the responsibilities of some one who is young? Yes. Not having to worry about your mortgage/rent, cell bill, tv bill, etc would be awesomeeee!!! When you're an adult you have a lot of responsibility. I want to teach that to our son as well! I don't want him to go into shock when he turns 18 and starts having his own bills to take care of. Being responsible is very important. So many people at my age would rather party than save their money and go to college. Yet, when they're 30 while they still are working at Burger King they wonder why their life hasn't improved. I'm all about education and I'm a firm believer that people need it. Wanna make money? Go to school. And yes, I do understand that times are tough these days and there are people that cant afford it. But you could always explore your options and try :]

On another note- I'm totally itching for a new tattoo!! I have to wait a little bit more because I'm still, yes STILL pregnant after 10 flippin days of contractions. YAYAYAYAY. Soooo not ok! Wish me luck ladies because I'm seriously losing my mind.

Yeyahh :]

Monday, November 12, 2012

Some things that make me happy :]

Since I'm going on my 6th day of labor I figured I would some things that made me happy!

1. My SO- Hes an amazing man! I'm so grateful that hes in my life because being with him makes it so much more awesome!

2. My family!- They're amazing and I love them so much!! I have the best little brother in  the world :P

3. My friends!!- With out them I wold be very sad and lonely LOL. Seriously though, I cherish the time I have with my biffle and I miss her every day!

4. FOOD- Cooking is my happy place! I love it. I love to bake! When I was growing up I said that I wanted to be a baker when I grew up hehe!

5. My fuzbutts!- Our animals are like my children! I don't know what I would do with out them :] All of them have their own personalities and they're so much fun to play with!

6. Air conditioning- I know, I know its silly BUT! If I didnt have it I would be a very unhappy mama!

7. The color pink- I'm slightly girly and who seriously doesn't love pink???? It awesome!!

8. Sparkles- I'm like a magpie. I FREAKIN LOVE SPARKLY THINGS!!! They always brighten up my day.

Will do more later! The SO and I are going to go see Skyfall in IMAX cause we need something to kill time with this labor! And the movie is going to be fab as well!

To die for!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

One of the things that make me laugh!

First off- still having contractions. BOOOOO!!!! So stupid. Erg.

But one of my most fond memories of growing up is my book collection. I always loved to read and I kick myself because I never do it anymore! But one of my favorite writers is Shel Silverstein. I love his poems!!! My SO showed this poem to me yesterday and it put a smile on my face because I'm slightly grumpy.

My beard grows down to my toes,
I never wears no clothes,
I wraps my hair

Around my bare,
And down the road I goes. 

So silly! It def made me laugh :]

Love it haha!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

5 days of pre-labor???

I'm going to flip out. No seriously. I'm exhausted. These contractions are killing me and they're not stopping. I hope to god that this isn't "Pre-labor" because mama ain't happy. ERG. I'm over 38 weeks so we'll see what happens. I'm not down with any interventions personally, so I'm just waiting it out :/ Not cool. I feel like banging my head against a wall for sure. HELP!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Contractions!...And tortillas?

Yay I had some for the past few days!!! Andddd now they're gone. I seriously have a troll body, or a troll baby!!! Prolly a little of both! But all in all- my little man, you can come out whenever your little heart desires! Mom and dad are ready when you are!

On a side note- have any of you guys tried these things?

They're tortilla shell shapers!!! And they are AWESOME!! SO easy to use! You just stick the tortillas in and you bake them for like 7 mins. Love them!!! I made taco bowls with them and it was so much fun :] I got them at Bed Bath and Beyond for like 10 bucks and they come in a set of 4. Also- they hold any size of tortilla. Mama approves!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My white pizza with white truffle oil recipe!!


Ok- so its about dern time I post my recipe/expenses of my fabbbbulous pizza!!

I made a size large and it was BOMB! Also- by making a large we had enough left for lunch for both us the next day. So i guess you can say this was two meals in one? Yup! So this recipe would easily feed a family of 4, by the way.

Now I make my own alfredo sauce. You can totally use a pre-made one, but I just don't feel like it tastes the same (Obvi). So here is my recipe for my alfredo sauce:

  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan 
For the sauce, heat the butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for about 1 minute until fragrant but not brown. Add the flour and whisk until smooth. Gradually add the cream and milk and whisk until mixture begins to thicken and bubble. Remove from heat and add the 1 1/2 cups Parmesan. I put a little salt and pepper in as well, but you don't have to.

Ok- so I already had the butter, garlic, flour, milk, parm, salt and pepper. The only thing I needed was the heavy cream.



  • 2 Pizza dough mixes
  • 1 Bag of Italian 5 cheese...well cheese haha!
  • 3 Small chicken breasts, boneless and skinnless
  • 3 Tbs of dried basil
  • 2 or 3 Tbs of Extra virgin olive oil
  • Roasted garlic!! I roast my own garlic and the price is 2 heads of garlic for 1.00. I used about 1 head...Shut up- its Italian gold!!!
  • 1/2 cup parm
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • White truffle oil if you have it
 So first off read how long the dough takes to make. I kinda base the cooking around that. I'll tell you exactly what I did though.

I cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces, seasoned them with salt and pepper and cooked them in a skillet with half of the amount of roasted garlic. Cook them justttttt until they're almost done (While baking they will finish cooking).

Make the alfredo sauce if you do it home made.

Make the pizza dough.

Once the pizza dough is finished, ladle on the alfredo sauce! YUM! On top of the sauce- sprinkle the cheese evenly around the pizza. After that- put the chicken and ALL of the roasted garlic evenly around. Scatter salt/pepper and basil leaves to your liking and then drizzle the evoo.

Bake for however long the pizza dough thing says on the back (prolly 9-11 mins)

When its done put on the white truffle oil in a, "Light back and forth motion" (Yeah, we just got creepy!)


Trust me, this is awesome!!!!

Drum roll please! Im going to list the costs now! Remember- some of these things I already had in my pantry, so I'm listing what I actually had to spend to complete the meals.

Heavy cream- 3.00
2 Pizza dough mixes- 2.40
Cheese- 3.00
Chicken-??? It was 2 pounds for 5.00 bucks and I used 3 breasts
Garlic- 1.00
Parm- 4.00

So I spent about 16 dollars and divided between 4 people it comes to about 4.00 each! Not to shabby my friends!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Sciatica pain is a bit%$

Yay for being in the third trimester/ being due in less than 3 weeks! Has anyone else have it/have had it??? Good god, its one of the most painful things I have ever felt. Its always in my right leg- starting from my hip shooting all the way down to my foot. NO THANK YOU!!! I do get loads of massages from the hubbs which help alot. But it just dulls the pain out for a bit :/ Will be getting one of those rice heating pads today! Hopefully they work because mama is getting fed up, lol! Its funny because in most times how I handle pain is I start laughing like a freakin' maniac! The S.O. must think I'm going bonkers. Maybe I am, maybe I ammmm.

 NO flippin' thank you!!!!