So our little one is over a month old now and let me tell you it has been crazy!!!! In both good and bad LOL!
I swear we have a genius baby because he has been able to hold his head up since birth, already holds his bottle when he is being fed, can half crawl, coherently laugh/smile and can roll over by himself! Man, he amazes me everyday! He's so advanced!
Xmas was awesome! My mom and Aunt came up before and we had such nice time! We don't live in the same start so I don't get to see them very often, so I cherish the time we spend together!
Our son seems to have colic :/ NO FLIPPIN BUENO. It freakin sucks because I feel so helpless! And I cant help him really :[ What I found to really help is the Timmy Toppee (Spelling?) bottles, using gentle formula and help him fart after each feeding. So far we've seen a big improvement!!
Hes crying so I got to go!
Love you all!!!