Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I do it. I'm such a complainer. I'llllll admit it.

Today the hubbs has the flu :[ Poor booboo! Even when hes sick he cooked me breakfast, and you want to know what I did? Complained. UGH. When I was doing the laundry I don't know what hit me. I just kind of was like CRAP I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON! So, from now on I will try not to be "Naggy Nikki". Le hubster doesn't deserve that. Man, that was rude of me lol.

On another note- I'm still doing well with my workouts!!!

Go me!

Le me :[

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I work outttt

Ok ladies! Just got done with my first work out post baby and sweet jesus I almost died haha! But I did it because I'm awesome! I swear Billy Blanks is my homie lol! It weird, I forgot working out release endorphins and I feel amazing! I take Hydroxycut as well, so we'll see if that helps any. The only problem is that the pill is currently stuck in my throat! Yay.... Hopefully it doesn't release to late.

Heres to me feeling like my old self again!

I work outtttt

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary! Can you believe it?? 3! Ah! SO crazy! But amazing! We have a such a beautiful little family, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. You make my life perfect. We've been through ups and downs but we continue to flourish through them. You are my rock and my soul. And I cant see myself with another person. You are my man forever.

You give to me hope
And help me to cope
When life pulls me down
You bring me around

You teach me to care
And help me to share
You make me honest
With kindness the best

From you I learned love
With grace from above
It's for you I live
And I want to give

You are the reason
That fills each season
When I hear love I think of you
You are my world and best friend too

I love you because you are so kind, thoughtful and caring
I love you because you are so pleasant, lovely and sharing

I love you Shnoogles!

 This is going to be us!


Thursday, January 10, 2013


So with having a colicy baby, you know they like never fall asleep or stop crying. YAY!! Not. Good news is that he is sleeping better at night! But omg, I had to share with you a trick that helped me!!! Seriously, I just put him in his stroller and rolled him back and forth. BOOM! Asleep :] I feel so much better! And I bet he does as well <3

Oh! We got the Jeep Overland Jogging stroller in fierce! I love it so much! It has an Ipod hook up so it can play lullaby's or whatever music you want, a giant basket, 3 cup holders, a bike brake, etc. You should check it out because it has this moms stamp of approval!

This is the stroller and I love it!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Learning to be ok with not being in control.


I cannot for the life of me do this. It's actually really frustrating. For me- its more about having the house clean. I swear I'm boarder line OCD about it lol!! But as we all know with a baby- its hard to get everything clean. Even when I'm in so much pain, I shuffle out to the kitchen and do a load of dishes :/ I haven't let myself heal from the pregnancy/birth.

So! Starting today, I am going to teach myself how to breathe. To be a little more loosey goosey!! Because I cant keep doing this. I'm not letting myself heal and I think the dishes in the sink are ok to be there for one more day :] Its going to be hard, but I know I can do it. My health means wayyyyyy more than a pile of laundry.

Cheers to me, ladies! Because I'm worth it!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Adult time outs!

Man, I can't stress enough how much they help me when our son wont stop screaming! Whenever I feel like I'm at wits end, I hand him off to the hubbs and go hang outside for a little bit. Seriously- it's SUCH a reliever! It makes me think clearly again and able to make good decisions.

Whats funnier is when I was in the hospital (Which is one of the states top hospitals) literally, 6 nurses and 1 midwife told me not to shake the baby if were stressed. WTF????? They finally stopped when I told them I wasn't stupid and not to tell me that anymore. Like who would do that? Well, apparently a lot of people considering how many times it was said to me. And what's even weirder like this has happened to every one I know! Is it like a mandatory thing? I have no idea. At one point I was like, "Fucker, I'm a RN. I know what the hell I'm doing." Anywho.

Ladies- there's nothing wrong at all about taking breathers. Yes, I know my blog states that I'm a supermom but of course, I'm far from it :] Just remember that you are important too <3

We all need one!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sick with a baby? NOOOO!

Omg. It sucks. My throat is killing me and I'm uber nauseous. And then lets throw a baby into it LOL. Seriously- I'm hoarding chicken soup right now. Merrrrr.

 Good ol' Jerry :]

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My new years promise

Not making any resolutions this year! But I will make a promise to my son :] Mommy promises to love you and be there for you through thick and thin. You can always come to me when your older and ask me questions and I will never judge. You are my life and I will do anything in my power to help you grow into an amazing person I know you can be. I love you little bunny, always and forever ♥

 Unconditional love!