Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My list of advice for the fathers to be!

Helllloooo ladiesss!!! I'm so sorry I haven't written a post for a while things have been so uber crazyy!!

I wanted to make an advice list for the Daddy's to be that are truthful and funny! Some from personal experience (Not many thank god because my SO is pretty darn amazing!) and some that have happened to other people I know :]

1. Always keep your wife/gf fed. AT ALL TIMES! A full preggo lady is a much happier lady! But you have to give her a snack in a way that she wont feel fat.

2. Its done being about you. From now on- its about mommy and baby. Remember all those times your girl slaved over dinner and rubbed your feet after? GONE. But in the mean time, why the hell aren't you rubbing her feet??

3. DON'T EVER ASK FOR SEXY TIMES WHEN SHE HEAVING OVER THE TOILET. NEVER. Also never ask for it when shes in pain/hungry/TIRED/emotional. Because trust me- sex really isn't our main priority right now.

4. We get really emotional sometimes. The best thing you can do for us is sit next to us, hold our hand and listen. We really, really love that!

5. Support! We need it! Alot!

6. Never make us feel bad for the way were feeling. No matter how silly the situation is, they are our feelings. Remember- we are very over emotional and what may seem like a small deal to you, is quite possibly a big deal to us.

7. DON'T EVER COMMENT ABOUT HER WEIGHT. EVERRRRRR. That is one of the biggest no-nos out there! Unless your words are, "You're beautiful and I love you" just be quiet lol! We know our thighs touch now and our boobies are huge, but don't grab them and make honking sounds! If you do that anyways- I hope you never have children because you need to grow up. /End rant

8. Massages! We loveeee them! I cant tell you how achy we get. We are in pain almost 24/7 so please, please, pleaseee offer them to us! Or even better get a us some PRENATAL MASSAGES FROM A LMT :] Being able to relax and spend time by ourselves/not have to worry about anything is awesome! We would always appreciate it and you will def get some kisses from her!

9. Do not force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. This includes with guilt trips, unkind words, etc. Why would you want to to that anyways? And if you do- you are a horrible person and I don't like you.

10. If she wants to do a certain type of birth (I.e. Home birth, hospital birth, midwife assisted birth) and you don't agree- TO FREAKIN BAD. Last time I checked you weren't the person squeezing a human body through your vagina. Why would you want your wife/gf to go through something she didn't want to do? Its not about you. We would love to hear your opinion on it and will take it into consideration but again- don't put her through something she doesn't agree with or doesn't want to do. Its not ok.

11. There will be A LOTTTTT of people who will give you unwanted advice. Be prepared.

12. Stand up for her. If she isn't comfortable with something don't stand in the back like a wimp. This is the woman who is birthing your child for gods sake!

13. If she doesn't want YOUR mother/father/sister/brother/cousins/aunt/family in general in the room while shes giving birth then YOU SHOULD SUPPORT HER. We already have an audience there, the last thing we want is another person looking at our hoo-ha. Also this means that you should be the one that talks to them. They are not her family, so you need to be the one to stand up to your precious mommy.

That's all I can really think of for now lol! Just remember- she is only pregnant for a while and none of this craziness is permanent! It will all be worth it in the end because you will have a beautiful child :]


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