Sunday, July 29, 2012

I have my knight in shining armor, not just a dude in tin foil

This is a post dedicated to my SO. I love you. With all my heart! I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life. I would be empty. Empty of happiness and life. You are an amazing man and I wish I told you that more! You deserve nothing but perfection and I'm so happy I get to call you mine!

Ahhh. A sigh of happiness. Seriously, I loved him before but now. NOW I love him even beyond love. The little things he does for me are just so sweet. I partially believe that if you cant handle your wife/gf/partner being pregnant- then you might have some underlying issues you need to work out. At least with me, I feel like I've turned into the devil. I get mad at things that didn't bother me before and I cry all the time. I feel so bad, I hate acting like a crazy lady. But he has been such a great sport about it like, I cant thank him enough. Also- it's better you work out your issues before you have the baby! No one wants extra stress. I mean, of course you're going to be stressed with a newborn but it doesn't help what so ever if you guys are fighting on top of it! Nooo thank you my kind sir! Mmmm quite!

Now we get to the part where I brag a little bit :P! I know, I know its bad but come on! It's so nice to have him clean for me, or cook if I cant. He gives me back rubs when ever I want and makes me feel beautiful even though I'm a swollen watermelon! He does it with out asking as well! This pregnancy has been EXTREMELY hard for me so I'm pretty much on bed rest all the time. Yay me! NOT. But I feel so lucky and honored :]. You're awesome baby and I love you!

Here to us sweety! You make my life perfect and to the many more years we spend together!!

The best kind of love is old, gray and happy lol!

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