Saturday, July 28, 2012

Natural birth (med free) or with epi?

Hellooooo lady's!! Another late night/early morning post. I cant seem to sleep anymore. Thank you my son for causing that LOL!

Let's see. I seem to be having second thoughts on having an epi shot. I don't know whats came over me, but I feel like I should look at the all med free birth option a little bit more. Maybe its because I dont like being told what to do, or maybe its that I know birth can be such a crazy thing. I kind of want to go into it with a clean slate. With an open mind per say. It has been actually stressing me out thinking that my "Birth plan" will go a certain way, at a certain time, etc. It never happens like that!! I guess I'm starting to be more realistic! At this point I have decided that if I cant handle the contractions then I am going to get an epi. I don't want to make myself be in more pain than I have to. But if I can handle the contractions then I'm going to do it med free. I think its a good way to go! Whatever happens, happens!!

Side note/silly story- I handle pain EXTREMELY well. It's quite uncanny and inhuman. One of my favorite stories I love telling people is the story of when I broke a few fingers by bending my hand all the way back from riding my in line skates as a kid. I pretty much walked up to my mom calmly and and said, "I think I may need to go to the hospital because I broke my hand". Epic mom freak out ensues!! The funny thing was- I didn't feel any pain what so ever. Now I know I'm a little far fetched by saying child birth "pain" is like breaking your hand. Which I know it isn't. But something is just telling me I should check out that option as well. I'm probably all gung-go because pregnancy is empowering. JOKES. My pregnancy has been so insanely hard. It freakin' sucks! Ive mentally been done with my pregnancy since I was about 8 weeks lol. I am sick ever day, swollen, I have migraines...the list is never ending, sadly. Only a few more months.....Heres to being able to eat sushi again!!

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