Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I LOVE shrimp! It doesn't make me sick, they are low in calories and taste delish!! Plus they are always dirt cheap! For a pound at my local super market (which equals to about 35-42 shrimp) is 5.99. How can you beat that? I got 12 shrimp last week and it was only a 1.82. Boom! Happy momma! Lets see though- you can make stir fry, Alfredo, shrimp tacos, shrimp scampi, on skewers, over rice, po boys, etc! The list is literally endless! Try them out because they are good!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
You just had a baby 2 days ago? You're ugly.
UMMMM. Why are people so critical about new
moms getting their old body back only 3 weeks from when they had their
baby??? Apparently we're not allowed to spend time with our new family
and bond. How sad! It's like, "How DARE you give birth to a human that
you spent 9 freaking months nurturing in your womb! Even though you get
up to feed the baby every 3 hours, why the heck aren't you wearing your
make up and 6 inch heels???". Seriously, why would some one actually say this to a new mother? I'm not sure which is worse
though; judgmental men or judgmental mothers lol! What I can't understand is their motivation. Jealousy? Hate? Low self esteem? It just doesn't make sense. Anyways.
Look at that girls face LOL!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Lemme see your guns!!!!
Wait what? Now, I have a few tattoos and one of them is a giant M16 with a grenade launcher on my fore arm. You're probably thinking, "Why would see get something like that on her arm???". Well, it's my body and I wanted to. So screw off LOL! Just kidding!
Sort of.
Now- let me ask why people are so judgmental about tattoos? Luckily for me, No one has really judged me that much for having tattoos. If you know my personality then you would know that tattoos are my thing. I do think it was slightly funny though when I told my mother what type of tattoo I got and I could hear her fainting through the phone. God bless her soul :]! But anyways!
I made this post because the funniest thing happened to me last week. My SO and I were in a parking lot and the cops were hanging out there. Both of the men walked over to us and one of them said to me, "Let me see your guns" while making the flexing motion. So right off the bat I knew this situation was going to be funny! But since he said it as "Guns" and not "Gun" I thought they were talking about my (non) muscles. So I made a funny face and flexed. They both laugh and say, "Noooo the one on your arm!". I go, "Ohhhhh" and showed them my tattoo. They both loved it! After they looked at it, I told them that I've never had any police officers that have stopped and said they liked my ink. One of them said, "It's the best concealed weapon you could carry!!". I seriously died! Right there. On the pavement lol!!! We all laughed and went our separate ways.
So far the only people I've had working in enforcement say that they love my tat were the TSA, airport police and a group of security guards. So I can check this off my check list!!
Sort of.
Now- let me ask why people are so judgmental about tattoos? Luckily for me, No one has really judged me that much for having tattoos. If you know my personality then you would know that tattoos are my thing. I do think it was slightly funny though when I told my mother what type of tattoo I got and I could hear her fainting through the phone. God bless her soul :]! But anyways!
I made this post because the funniest thing happened to me last week. My SO and I were in a parking lot and the cops were hanging out there. Both of the men walked over to us and one of them said to me, "Let me see your guns" while making the flexing motion. So right off the bat I knew this situation was going to be funny! But since he said it as "Guns" and not "Gun" I thought they were talking about my (non) muscles. So I made a funny face and flexed. They both laugh and say, "Noooo the one on your arm!". I go, "Ohhhhh" and showed them my tattoo. They both loved it! After they looked at it, I told them that I've never had any police officers that have stopped and said they liked my ink. One of them said, "It's the best concealed weapon you could carry!!". I seriously died! Right there. On the pavement lol!!! We all laughed and went our separate ways.
So far the only people I've had working in enforcement say that they love my tat were the TSA, airport police and a group of security guards. So I can check this off my check list!!
My tat!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Push present!
Ok. Personally- I think "Push presents" are bs. Butttttt, it's a good excuse for my SO to buy me things lol! He says I deserve it because my pregnancy has been so hard. What a sweetie! I will post a picture of it soon! What a little lubby! Here's a sneak peak!
I think I may have given it away!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Oh, you're fat and pregnant? You're OBVIOUSLY going to kill your baby.
Yeah, ok. Uh-huh. Seriously, if some one where to EVER say that to me- I would punch them in the face! Not even kidding, us Sicilians are the type of crazy you don't want to touch with a ten foot pole.
Now- I'm over weight. I was before I was pregnant and I am now. There's literally no way of hiding it! No pun intended (Drum roll)! But I'm reading online of how poorly us chubby bunnies are being treated for being pregnant!! You need to head over to and Oh my god, I cant believe what some docs/midwives have said to women! Utterly disgusting.
Heres one of my favorites:
Posted by My OB said WHAT?!?.
“I can’t believe I have been put in this position! I absolutely
resent that I am now responsible for your life and delivering this baby,
you have no right thinking you can safely deliver a child when you are
so overweight.” – OB to mother at birth.
Yay!!! Not so much. Like how can you even say something like to some one??? Lady's- learn about waivers (Aka-don't ever sign anything that you don't read over. But you should be doing that anyways.). Research if the hospital is "fat- friendly". DO NOT TO CONSENT TO ANYTHING YOU DON'T APPROVE OF. But most of all, don't let anyone, ANYONE scare you into thinking that you cant do something. It is your day!!! Do what you want to do! But most off like I always say- Love yourself and love the people around you!
Now- I'm over weight. I was before I was pregnant and I am now. There's literally no way of hiding it! No pun intended (Drum roll)! But I'm reading online of how poorly us chubby bunnies are being treated for being pregnant!! You need to head over to and Oh my god, I cant believe what some docs/midwives have said to women! Utterly disgusting.
Heres one of my favorites:
“…You Have No Right Thinking You Can Safely Deliver A Child When You Are So Overweight.”
Yay!!! Not so much. Like how can you even say something like to some one??? Lady's- learn about waivers (Aka-don't ever sign anything that you don't read over. But you should be doing that anyways.). Research if the hospital is "fat- friendly". DO NOT TO CONSENT TO ANYTHING YOU DON'T APPROVE OF. But most of all, don't let anyone, ANYONE scare you into thinking that you cant do something. It is your day!!! Do what you want to do! But most off like I always say- Love yourself and love the people around you!
You know you are!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ok. Brace yourselves. I just made our first purchase for our son!! AHHHH!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG. I could not be any happier! I was trying to hold off for so long. As some one who experienced a stillborn miscarriage, I wanted to wait as long as I could "Just in case" something happened. I know, I dropped the ball on you but it's life and it happened. I am a strong woman who has a wonderful SO and an amazing family who have been so insanely supportive of this pregnancy! I wouldn't trade them in for the world! Also- my team of doc's are AWESOME. They are so caring and are so nice to me. Seriously I couldn't have asked for a better team :].
Now back to the purchase!
We bought the Graco 2 in 1 bouncer/swing at target. I cant wait until it comes in the mail :]. It's so cute I could die! Its a light green and brown with adorable accents. I love it! What do you think?
Now back to the purchase!
We bought the Graco 2 in 1 bouncer/swing at target. I cant wait until it comes in the mail :]. It's so cute I could die! Its a light green and brown with adorable accents. I love it! What do you think?
Love? Or LOVE?
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Am I the only one???
A spoonful of happiness!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Which came first? The egg yolk or...cholesterol?
Apparently I'm all about chickens these days lol!! But as I was watching the news yesterday, it did a segment on how research was done in London about if "you eat eggs yolks it's as bad as being a heavy smoker". You know what that sounds like?? Another scare tactic. I love how at the end of the segment they quickly said that the study didn't factor in daily exercise etc, etc. Sadly, I guess any news is news these days. Plus being an ex-smoker (not these days though because I'm pregnant!), I can assure you that all the chemicals you are inhaling from a cigarette are nothing like eating an egg yolk. Here's a phrase that I live by- "Everything in moderation". It's really as simple as that. I've noticed people are freaking out over nothing wayyyy to easily these days. But you know what? Hell, if you've worked out 3 days these this week and take care of your self and you want to eat that delish chocolate bar? Go ahead! Good for you though, because I'm not getting my fat preggo booty out running...but I'll take that chocolate bar!
Dear god, what have you done to him???
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Asian chicken? Yum!
Alright, I have a delish recipe for you! And it's cheap!! So last night I made my take on Asian chicken. I made it up as well, so kudos to me. But it's probably on the internet somewhere lol!
Now I don't use measuring cups. I've cooked long enough to kind of "know" how much is how much! But I can tell you what I did. Also it depends how much chicken you use. I used about 3 chicken breast (boneless and skinless), cut up into bite size pieces.
1/2 cup of djon mustard
4 or 5 tbs of soy sauce
5 cloves of garlic or more (it's Italian gold- shut up)
The SMALLEST pinch of salt if you want
I just mixed the chicken into the marinade/sauce and dumped all of it (including the sauce) into a skillet till cooked through. BOOM. Amazing! Now, this recipe has loads of sodium so if that's an issue you can cut it by using no salt and a lesser sodium soy sauce. Whatever works for you! I cooked some rice and used it as a side dish as well. And carrots! I LOVE carrots so I hate a big ol' plate of those lol!
On a side note- I said it was a cheap dish. Let me tell you how much I paid for everything or break it down.
Chicken- it was more than 2 pounds for 5.00....I don't know what that breaks down to because I used 3 chicken breasts and about 8 came in the pack.
Soy sauce- 1.77 per bottle
Garlic- 2 heads of it for 1.00
Pepper (It was black and I bought a 1.5 oz mill)- 1.00
Salt (I bought 1 pound of it)- 1.00
You can subtract the salt and pepper because I always have spices in my kitchen.
Since I can no haz maths early in the morning, I assume it didn't cost much per serving :]
Now I don't use measuring cups. I've cooked long enough to kind of "know" how much is how much! But I can tell you what I did. Also it depends how much chicken you use. I used about 3 chicken breast (boneless and skinless), cut up into bite size pieces.
1/2 cup of djon mustard
4 or 5 tbs of soy sauce
5 cloves of garlic or more (it's Italian gold- shut up)
The SMALLEST pinch of salt if you want
I just mixed the chicken into the marinade/sauce and dumped all of it (including the sauce) into a skillet till cooked through. BOOM. Amazing! Now, this recipe has loads of sodium so if that's an issue you can cut it by using no salt and a lesser sodium soy sauce. Whatever works for you! I cooked some rice and used it as a side dish as well. And carrots! I LOVE carrots so I hate a big ol' plate of those lol!
On a side note- I said it was a cheap dish. Let me tell you how much I paid for everything or break it down.
Chicken- it was more than 2 pounds for 5.00....I don't know what that breaks down to because I used 3 chicken breasts and about 8 came in the pack.
Soy sauce- 1.77 per bottle
Garlic- 2 heads of it for 1.00
Pepper (It was black and I bought a 1.5 oz mill)- 1.00
Salt (I bought 1 pound of it)- 1.00
You can subtract the salt and pepper because I always have spices in my kitchen.
Since I can no haz maths early in the morning, I assume it didn't cost much per serving :]
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Ok, first of all- I HATE hashtags lol! I think if you #speaklikethisyouneedaneducation. Also the word swag. Like really? Do you think you sound cool when you say swag or swagger? I bet you're a really special person. Let's call you "limited".
Anyways, so our power went out this morning. Yay! Not so much because let's be honest- preggo ladies need air conditioning. On high. All the damn time. Or at least that's me. But it made me think like, "Wow, half the world probably doesn't have air conditioning and here I am complaining about things people cant afford these days". I felt like a spoiled brat. A couple days ago I was complaining that I didn't drink enough milk because it went bad, so now we had to buy more. At least my SO and I agree on we should raise our son being educated that some people may not have as much as other people. I really respect my parents decision to have me volunteer and use it as a learning tool to not be judgmental or greedy. And honestly- it was really fun! I love helping people. Its one of the reasons I want to be a RN (I'm half way done with school! Yay me!). I'm a natural mama bear. I'm the same with animals. I always adopt and I'm a full believer that no matter how big or small the animal- if you give them a little love they will turn into the most amazing friend you'll ever have. The world needs more love these days! Be kind people.
Anyways, so our power went out this morning. Yay! Not so much because let's be honest- preggo ladies need air conditioning. On high. All the damn time. Or at least that's me. But it made me think like, "Wow, half the world probably doesn't have air conditioning and here I am complaining about things people cant afford these days". I felt like a spoiled brat. A couple days ago I was complaining that I didn't drink enough milk because it went bad, so now we had to buy more. At least my SO and I agree on we should raise our son being educated that some people may not have as much as other people. I really respect my parents decision to have me volunteer and use it as a learning tool to not be judgmental or greedy. And honestly- it was really fun! I love helping people. Its one of the reasons I want to be a RN (I'm half way done with school! Yay me!). I'm a natural mama bear. I'm the same with animals. I always adopt and I'm a full believer that no matter how big or small the animal- if you give them a little love they will turn into the most amazing friend you'll ever have. The world needs more love these days! Be kind people.
Remember her from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?? Spoiled!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
I want to look like a Bratz doll when I grow up!
Ah. Another reason why I'm glad I'm having a son. No Bratz dolls! I have to say- all the cartoons and toys are TOTALLYYYY different from when I was growing up. Everything is over sexualized these days. Its horrible. Young girls- like I'm talking about 6 years old, say they would rather be sexy than smart when they grow up. So sad. Why aren't these parents teaching good values to our children? At least I know how not to parent! LOL. But seriously. Almost every girl toy has either a big butt or big boobs. What happens when a little girl matures and she doesn't have big boobs or whatever? She thinks shes ugly. It's just mind boggling. I wish I could give them a hug and tell them that they're beautiful! No one should be feel sad about the way they look! Love yourself ladies and teach others the same!
You are amazing!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Helicopter parenting?
Helicopter parenting
Noun Informal .
A style of child rearing in which an overprotective mother or father discourages a child's independence by being too involved in the child's life: In typical helicopter parenting, a mother or father swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.
NOPE. I cannot tell you enough how much I disagree with this! It's one thing being there for your child but it's another thing not giving them enough room to breathe and learn from their own mistakes.
I was reading stories from children that have these types of parents and what they say is horrible! I felt so sad for them. This one man told a story about how his mother would not let him wipe his own bum until he was 15. I mean, forget about parenting that's just sexual abuse. Another one was this young man recalling his childhood/ teen years of how his parents wouldn't let him have friends in fear that something or some one would hurt him. And then they got mad at him for not having friends and would punish him. I cant even find words for a reaction. Way to mess up your kid! No bueno.
I don't understand, whats so wrong with raising your child with a little humility? We want to raise our children by giving them tools to take accountability and figure out how to fix the dilemma they are in. Its called life skills people! Of course I can understand that your kid is your little angel but I not sorry I refuse to raise my kid as a spoiled brat that cant do anything wrong. I just, I don't know. We want to give our kids the tools to help themselves. We will always be there for our kids-don't get me wrong, but I want them to try to figure out the situation by themselves first and then if they need help, we will give it to them.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Respect? Boundries? Anything?? FACE!!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Hello again! Sorry I have been out- I've been so sick lately. No fun for me! Oh man, so what has happened to me in the past few days? Lots I guess lol!
For one thing we got our cute little ferret insurance! Yay! Its only 12 bucks a month and covers so much! I'm one happy ferret mommy! I'm a HUGE animal lover and all my babies need to be healthy for sure.
My mom and aunt are going to visit!! I'm so excited I cant even tell you! We all live in different states so traveling is expensive and sometimes hard to schedule so I'm very happy. Sometimes it's weird not being able to visit them whenever I want, but they are just a phone call away :[. It's not the same, but I'll take what I can get!
I heard my SO refer to our son (who is not born yet) by his name :]. OMG, my heart melted! I almost cried! He's never done that before so I think it's super sweet! Maybe fatherhood is becoming more real for him. He's going to be such a good dad. I love him so much!
Went grocery shopping and bought a weeks worth of food for 78 bucks. HECK. YES. I guess you can say I'm a "stereotypical jew" lol. I wont take offense to it! I love finding deals and usually we have to shop at three places or so, but in the end I got a weeks worth of food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for under 80 dollars. GO ME!!!
For one thing we got our cute little ferret insurance! Yay! Its only 12 bucks a month and covers so much! I'm one happy ferret mommy! I'm a HUGE animal lover and all my babies need to be healthy for sure.
My mom and aunt are going to visit!! I'm so excited I cant even tell you! We all live in different states so traveling is expensive and sometimes hard to schedule so I'm very happy. Sometimes it's weird not being able to visit them whenever I want, but they are just a phone call away :[. It's not the same, but I'll take what I can get!
I heard my SO refer to our son (who is not born yet) by his name :]. OMG, my heart melted! I almost cried! He's never done that before so I think it's super sweet! Maybe fatherhood is becoming more real for him. He's going to be such a good dad. I love him so much!
Went grocery shopping and bought a weeks worth of food for 78 bucks. HECK. YES. I guess you can say I'm a "stereotypical jew" lol. I wont take offense to it! I love finding deals and usually we have to shop at three places or so, but in the end I got a weeks worth of food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for under 80 dollars. GO ME!!!
Our babies!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
OMG. Just found my new weakness. Blueberry cream cheese. Shut. The. Front. Door. SO GOOD. Seriously everyone needs to go to the grocery store and get it!!! Very, very delish!
It's a little funny though, I haven't had any cravings for anything really. I've had a few cravings for specific things but nothing in particular. Thank goodness I have a SO that will go to the store at 5 am to get me something I love. When I first was pregnant, I remember I absolutely HAD to have Kimchi. Now if you don't know what that is, its an Asian pickled cabbage that's spicy. YUM. I know it may seem totally gross but ohmergerd it's awesome. That trip was fun though. Since not many places carry it because its a very authentic Asian dish- we went to a place called Pacific Asian Market. So cool!! Now my SO is from Maui so if you don't know, Asian culture/people dominate the population there. If you see some one whose Caucasian its most likely they moved there from the mainland or their parents did. So naturally he lovesss Asian everything! Its was so fun to see him get all the candy and food that he grew up with and couldn't find any where else! And their meat/sea food butcher, get out of town everything looked delish! I remember the first time we went to a Hawaiian restaurant and he ordered spam musubi. Have you ever heard of it? SO GOOD. I'm hooked now. ANDDD I know how to make it! And I make it good. Since WW2 it just kind of stuck in Hawaiian everyday food because there wasn't much food that was provided during the war. It was cheap and people could afford it. Ok, but spam musubi is a fried piece of spam that has either been marinated with oyster sauce, sugar, soy sauce and teriyaki sauce or when it's done frying drizzled on top of the spam. Then the spam is placed on top of a bed of rice then wrapped in seaweed. BOOM SPAM SUSHI! Its to die for and stop being judgmental! GO get some, make it and love it!
It's a little funny though, I haven't had any cravings for anything really. I've had a few cravings for specific things but nothing in particular. Thank goodness I have a SO that will go to the store at 5 am to get me something I love. When I first was pregnant, I remember I absolutely HAD to have Kimchi. Now if you don't know what that is, its an Asian pickled cabbage that's spicy. YUM. I know it may seem totally gross but ohmergerd it's awesome. That trip was fun though. Since not many places carry it because its a very authentic Asian dish- we went to a place called Pacific Asian Market. So cool!! Now my SO is from Maui so if you don't know, Asian culture/people dominate the population there. If you see some one whose Caucasian its most likely they moved there from the mainland or their parents did. So naturally he lovesss Asian everything! Its was so fun to see him get all the candy and food that he grew up with and couldn't find any where else! And their meat/sea food butcher, get out of town everything looked delish! I remember the first time we went to a Hawaiian restaurant and he ordered spam musubi. Have you ever heard of it? SO GOOD. I'm hooked now. ANDDD I know how to make it! And I make it good. Since WW2 it just kind of stuck in Hawaiian everyday food because there wasn't much food that was provided during the war. It was cheap and people could afford it. Ok, but spam musubi is a fried piece of spam that has either been marinated with oyster sauce, sugar, soy sauce and teriyaki sauce or when it's done frying drizzled on top of the spam. Then the spam is placed on top of a bed of rice then wrapped in seaweed. BOOM SPAM SUSHI! Its to die for and stop being judgmental! GO get some, make it and love it!
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