Sunday, August 26, 2012

You just had a baby 2 days ago? You're ugly.

UMMMM. Why are people so critical about new moms getting their old body back only 3 weeks from when they had their baby??? Apparently we're not allowed to spend time with our new family and bond. How sad! It's like, "How DARE you give birth to a human that you spent 9 freaking months nurturing in your womb! Even though you get up to feed the baby every 3 hours, why the heck aren't you wearing your make up and 6 inch heels???". Seriously, why would some one actually say this to a new mother? I'm not sure which is worse though; judgmental men or judgmental mothers lol! What I can't understand is their motivation. Jealousy? Hate? Low self esteem? It just doesn't make sense. Anyways.

Look at that girls face LOL!

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